§  The ocean floor close to the Sumatra Island of Indonesia
§  9.2 scale Richter.
§  The 2nd highest ever record on a seismograph.
§  The earthquake was caused by the Indian Plate subducts underneath the Burma Plate along the deep Andaman-Sumatran Ocean Trench.
§  The rupture was the longest ever caused by an earthquake, 400 kilometer long and 100 kilometer wide.
§  The epicenters were 30 kilometer below seal levels.
§  The earthquake lasted for 8 minutes.
§  The waves effects South East Asia, India, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Land, Maldives & Seychelles.
§  The waves up to 30-meter affects in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand.
§  The main factors were distance and the waves travelling more slowly.
§  The tsunami destroying towns, villages, resorts, fishing boats and transport.
§  A global humanitarian offers a help and donation of money, more than $8 billion.
§  Housing, farmland and infrastructure were destroyed.
§  Mangrove forest and coral reefs has been damaged by human activity.
§  Mangrove forest and coral reefs can absorb some energy from tsunami.

§  Many people questioned why countries that were hit did not issue warnings.
Ø Because LEDCs such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia don’t have high technology to detect the tsunami warning signal.