indonesia version:
Mengenang yang sudah berlalu atau mungkin masih Kamu jalani saat ini. Di Sekolah, sudah pasti ada banyak Orang dengan berbagai karakter. Itu tidak bisa dibantah, bahkan setiap sekolah pasti ada. Mungkin Kamu boleh menganggap ini lucu atau bagaimana, yang jelas hanya niat berbagi sebagai hiburan saja. Murid-murid yang pasti ada di setiap Sekolah.
1. Sang Idola
Murid yang menjadi Idola biasanya memiliki penampilan yang sangat menarik, dari segi wajah dan bentuk tubuhnya bisa membuat teman-temannya bahkan guru terpesona. Di Setiap Sekolah pasti ada dan kalau Kamu tidak percaya lihat saja diantara teman-teman Kamu yang memiliki ciri seperti itu.
2. Preman
Murid yang satu ini memiliki banyak arti yang luas. Tapi secara khusus kelakuan Dia seperti Preman. Suka menindas teman-temannya bahkan ada yang suka memalak untuk kesenangannya sendiri. Kalaupun ada, mudah-mudahan sedikit saja ya.
3. Jenius
Mengaku tidak pernah belajar dan jarang mendengarkan penjelasan Guru. Akan tetapi nilainya selalu bagus dan saat mendapat tugas bisa mengerjakan dengan baik. Kalau yang satu ini Kakak penulis banget dulu waktu masih Sekolah. Kakak sih bukan penulis sendiri.
4. Telmi
Yakin ada pastinya, telmi alias telat mikir. Kalau dijelaskan berkali-kali tidak ngerti ngerti sampai Guru bahkan temannya jadi emosi. Mudah-mudahan bukan Kamu.
5. Tukang Ribut
Dalam pelajaran atau jam kosong lebih sering bikin acara sendiri. Biasanya tipe murid yang satu ini tercipta dibarisan tempat duduk bagian belakang.
6. Si Jorok
Sukanya mengotori dinding, tempat duduk, bahkan meja dengan coretan gak penting. Lebih parah lagi suka membuang sampah sembarangan dalam kelas.
7. Tukang ngemil
Tidak perduli jam kosong atau tidak, Dia sudah siap dengan makanan camilan yang dibeli atau dibawa dari Rumah. Saat guru sedang menjelaskan pun, Dia sesekali memasukkan camilan pada mulutnya diam-diam.
8. Tukang pingsan
Hanya bisa diketahui saat upacara dalam keadaan panas. Si Tukang pingsan ini sering oleng mendadak ketika upacara sedang terjadi.
9. Copaser
Intinya Murid seperti ini tidak mau berusaha sendiri. Kalau ada PR atau tugas lebih sering menjiplak milik temannya tanpa mau tahu cara atau rumus yang digunakan. Akan ketahuan jika Disuruh mengerjakan di depan tapi pada akhirnya Dia tidak bisa.
10. Penjilat
Dimana-mana yang namanya penjilat pasti ada. Di Sekolah pasti juga ada. Ada positif negatifnya sih kalau yang ini.
Itu saja dulu tipe tipe murid yang pasti ada di Sekolah. Sesuai pengalaman Kamu, Kira-kira mana aja yang paling menonjol dalam kehidupanmu?.
English version:
Remembering that have passed or perhaps still you live today. In school, surely there are many people with different characters. It is indisputable, even every school must have. Perhaps you may think it's funny or how, clear only intention to share as entertainment only. Students who must be in every school.
1. The Idol
Students who become idols usually have a very attractive appearance, in terms of facial and body shape can make friends and even teachers fascinated. In every school must have and if you do not believe see among friends you who have such a characteristic.
2. Thugs
One pupil who has a lot broadest sense. But specifically conduct him like Thugs. The oppressors of his friends there who likes memalak even for his own pleasure. If anything, hopefully a little bit, yes.
3. Genius
Claimed to have never studied and seldom listened to the teacher. But value is always good and when given the task to work properly. If this one writer's brother very first time still school. Sister does not the author himself.
4. Late Thinkers
Sure there certainly, telmi alias late thinkers. If described many times do not understand understand until Guru even his own emotions. Hopefully not you.
5. Contention
In the empty hour lesson or more often make the show itself. Usually this type of student who created dibarisan the rear seats.
6. The slob
Sukanya spattered the walls, seats, and even a table with graffiti is not important. Worse like littering in the classroom.
7. Artisan snacking
No matter empty hours or not, he was ready with snack foods purchased or taken from the house. When the teacher is explaining the matter, he occasionally inserting a snack in his mouth silently.
8. Artisan fainting
Only be known during the ceremony in hot conditions. The Artisan is often shaky sudden fainting when the ceremony was going on.
9. Copaser
The point Pupil like this do not want to try themselves. If there homework or assignments more often plagiarized his friend without wanting to know how or formula used. Will be found out if she is asked to do in the future but in the end he could not.
10. lickers
Everywhere that his name must be a sycophant. At the School certainly also exist. There is still negative positive about this one.
That's all types of types of students that must be in school. Appropriate experience You, About which wrote that the most prominent in your life?
Remembering that have passed or perhaps still you live today. In school, surely there are many people with different characters. It is indisputable, even every school must have. Perhaps you may think it's funny or how, clear only intention to share as entertainment only. Students who must be in every school.
1. The Idol
Students who become idols usually have a very attractive appearance, in terms of facial and body shape can make friends and even teachers fascinated. In every school must have and if you do not believe see among friends you who have such a characteristic.
2. Thugs
One pupil who has a lot broadest sense. But specifically conduct him like Thugs. The oppressors of his friends there who likes memalak even for his own pleasure. If anything, hopefully a little bit, yes.
3. Genius
Claimed to have never studied and seldom listened to the teacher. But value is always good and when given the task to work properly. If this one writer's brother very first time still school. Sister does not the author himself.
4. Late Thinkers
Sure there certainly, telmi alias late thinkers. If described many times do not understand understand until Guru even his own emotions. Hopefully not you.
5. Contention
In the empty hour lesson or more often make the show itself. Usually this type of student who created dibarisan the rear seats.
6. The slob
Sukanya spattered the walls, seats, and even a table with graffiti is not important. Worse like littering in the classroom.
7. Artisan snacking
No matter empty hours or not, he was ready with snack foods purchased or taken from the house. When the teacher is explaining the matter, he occasionally inserting a snack in his mouth silently.
8. Artisan fainting
Only be known during the ceremony in hot conditions. The Artisan is often shaky sudden fainting when the ceremony was going on.
9. Copaser
The point Pupil like this do not want to try themselves. If there homework or assignments more often plagiarized his friend without wanting to know how or formula used. Will be found out if she is asked to do in the future but in the end he could not.
10. lickers
Everywhere that his name must be a sycophant. At the School certainly also exist. There is still negative positive about this one.
That's all types of types of students that must be in school. Appropriate experience You, About which wrote that the most prominent in your life?